Monday, January 26, 2009

The Dark Side of the Web -Internet Malware

Q: Have you ever been the target of a phishing scam? Did you recognize it as a scam right away? What tipped you off? Blog about your experiences with malware or phishing attempts.

A: I have been the target of a phishing scam. Luckily, I had been included on a mass email alerting me of such bogus emails. When I received an email from my bank asking me to connect and confirm my information, I knew it may not be legitimate. I called my bank to ask if they had sent such an email and they confirmed that it was indeed a scam.

I was lucky, but if I wouldn't have been forwarded the email alert, I may have fallen for it.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Life Long Learning 2.0

Q: Take some time and explore the websites above. In your blog, tell us which website you liked and why. Will it assist you in reaching a personal or professional goal?

A: The blog I liked best was Positivity Blog. I enjoyed reading the various articles and comments because I believe there is always room for improvement. I am a person who loves to learn new things, especially about myself. This site gives you an opportunity to reflect and learn a little more about yourself. I do believe a site like Positivity Blog will assist me in reaching my personal and professional goals by allowing to think a bit differently about the life I lead.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

OCLS and Library 2.0

Q: Describe how you see programs like The Orange Seed and Orlando Memory as being important to yourself and how they are important to the Library.

A: Orange Seed seems to be a great tool for employees to post ideas for consideration. Allowing for anonymity can be helpful to employees that want to raise an issue and not feel as though there will be any outfall from doing so. I also like the feature that staff can post comments. I think this tool increases staff morale and provides a great avenue for the administration to tap into what is on the minds of staff.

Orlando Memory and the kete idea is wonderful. Stories and memories are past on from generation to generation, but OM provides a forum where the initial happening, feeling, smell, look and touch won't be lost in translation. Capturing these moments in time are valuable in looking toward the future.

Web 2.0 Continues

The two Web 2.o apps I chose are:

Bloglines (

Bloglines is a FREE online service that helps you subscribe to and manage lots of web information, such as news feeds, weblogs and audio. Bloglines tracks the information you're interested in, retrieves new stuff as it happens, and organizes everything for you on your own personal web news page.

I love this service because I am able to access all the blogs I am interested in through my cell phone. It allows me to save the blog as unread and come back to it. Most importantly, it allows me to email the blogline entry link without having to go the the actual blog to forward it on.

Backpack is a web-based service that makes organizing your information incredibly easy. Backpack lets you make pages which can contain any combination of notes, to-dos, images, files, etc. You can keep these pages to yourself or share them with colleagues, co-workers, friends, or family.

This is a really cool site that I found by poking around the site. You can create a site that can be private or shared. I am definitely going to use this for the non-profit I am involved with.

I also watched the Clay Shirky video and found it very interesting. His comments really made me think about what the future might look like. I actually forwarded it to some of my friends that I think would also find it interesting.

Play Week

Meez 3D avatar avatars games

Chain, Chain, Change........

Q: Take a look at our new mission statement. What part of the mission statement do you connect with? Which part speaks or draws you in? How do you see us creating a well-informed, well-connected community, making Orange County a great place to live, learn, work, and play?

A: Since I began employment with OCLS just a few months ago, I am not familiar with our old mission statement. What I knew about OCLS before working here and now knowing what I have learned since working here, I believe the mission statement captures our essence.

The part of the statement that speaks to me is the idea that we "bring value to the residents". While we measure this value by recording the statistics of how many card holders we have and how many people attended one of our program, the most important values cannot be measured - building knowledge, awareness, imagination and inspiration. These impacts that we make on people and our community is what gets me excited about OCLS!

Reading about the various technological innovations in this lesson really opened my eyes to how there are really no boundaries in this evolution. OCLS has enormous opportunity to support a well-informed, well-connected community. We must be vigilant in keeping up with the latest innovations and providing resources on how to access them and in some cases, provide that access. These are exciting times.

Open Source Information

Q: Since you joined OCLS, how has technology changed the way you access, use or provide information? As technology makes information more open source, how do you see our role, as a library, in the future? Describe it for us in your blog.

A: Easy and convenient access to information has made my personal and professional life much easier. I am able to research a subject, look at an array of recipes for dinner, see how the weather is in OH before calling my grandmother, so on and so forth. However, many times I feel overwhelmed with the information I read on a daily basis. Always keeping in mind the date it was posted and the source that posted it. Isn't there always a "but" :)

On the topic of open source information, it is a valuable tool in allowing teams to continue to work together by virtual means in the workplace. The ability to access project information and update it in a way where every team member is literally on the same page can only increase efficiency, in my opinion.

Open source information for the masses opens up a new world on the social scene; however, there is the opportunity for abuse.

I believe OCLS's role in supporting this type of technology could be to educate the public. Teaching users how to be safe and responsible users would be a great start. Teaching parents how to communicate with their children and proceed with caution would be a tremendous resource as well.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Health, Wellness and Technology

Q: In your blog, let us know what you liked and how you think it will help you.

A: I found the resources on Nutrition Data to be the most interesting. I especially liked the Analyze Recipe tool. Along the same lines, I recently got an iPhone. There is an application that I downloaded named Calorie Counter. The best thing about this app is when I am at a restaurant and I want to see the nutritional facts about what I am going to (or not) order. Tools such as these allow me to make healthier choices.